LSHC Mens' Third v Leadenham 2

Played Home on 29th October 2016
Next Match
29th Oct 2016 Mens' 1st - Away vs Camb City 3


Jacob Synnott profile


With the third team at home and availability issues surrounding the team it was a chance for the youngsters to prove they can step up to the mark. The first half was all push for sutton with the ball being played about it seemed to looking promising for them. With half time at 0-0 it looked like it would be a close game for either side. With the sutton defence line up looking so strong it was unfortunate when leadenham gained the first goal in such a close game. In a game where the green defence was tested it wasn't long until they was caught out by a hand in the D giving away a flick just narrowly missed by Whitmore. It was a unfortunate loss for sutton but a very strong opposition managed to gain the 3 points and a lesson learnt for the third team which will be looking to start afresh next week and try a keep hopes up next week.