LSHC Mens' First v Shefford & Sandy 1st

Played Away on 13th January 2018
Next Match
3rd Feb 2018 Ladies 2nd - Away vs Bourne Deeping 3rd


Daniel Batten profile


 With a good performance last week against East London, it was time for Sutton to start the fight back to save the season, but the challenge was Shefford and Sandy which always presents a high scoring game, this one was no different. Both teams started brightly with a few close calls from Shefford, with Sutton trading blows. It didn't take long before the deadlock was broken and Shefford put together a good move to take the lead. Sutton replied strongly with a new found desire after the break Sutton broke back with some intricate play from Ellis and Baker down the left, moving the ball through the middle to the never tired Batten, squeezing the ball through for Shore to tap into an empty net. With the game heating up and intensity high, Shefford once again got ahead. With some more solid defending from a new look back line, fyson, Goodley and fox held the line to slot the ball from the back out wide to Synnott who gave the ball to fiery Batten who stormed through the middle to calmly put the ball away. The break was drawing in but in usual Sutton style some minor errors cost another goal to go against them. Sutton heading into the break 3-2 down. The second half was much the same as the first, Shefford took 5 minutes to score the first of the half. Through small errors again, Sutton conceded but with plenty of time still left nothing was impossible. With Harrison and Cook working hard through the middle, spraying the ball out wide to create space, Jackson found himself in front of goal to slot the ball home. Sutton found some fire to press Shefford, stealing the ball at every opportunity but unable to convert. Both teams were starting to tire which opened the pitch up for Shefford to create another well worked goal. Sutton still pressed despite time running out, after transferring the ball around the back for 2/3 mins the ball made its way to Cook who managed to take on 4 Shefford defenders and the keeper to ping the ball in the bottom corner. The game still had plenty of life, with harder tackles going in the game became more stop start. Shefford held the ball well and hit the final blow with a thunderous strike which Whitmore was unable to stop. Although Sutton lost the game, they certainly showed character and fight. Compliments from the Shefford team manager, of how well we played as a team causing them problems, proves that Sutton might just pull off the great escape and stay in Div 1.